Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Jeremy Is Famous

Ok, he's not really famous. YET. While I was in Las Vegas, one of the Youth Orchestras in town performed some pieces that Jeremy had been commissioned to compose for them. They were really neat. Nicholas and Jacob told me they were the best pieces of the whole concert, and I have to agree.

Jeremy was introduced and took a bow. It was all so exciting.

Nathan, Liesa, Jeremy (of course), Taryn and all our kids sat in a row.

The kids were all pretty well behaved. Tyler and Matthew did have a little trouble sitting still.

The concert was at an outdoor arena in Green Valley. After
Jeremy's pieces the kids got more and more restless. So finally I took them up to the grassy hill behind the chairs to listen to the rest of the concert. It wasn't too much of a surprise when the kids decided to roll down the hill instead of listen. I'm so glad I was there for the concert. Jeremy is very talented. Some day he'll be a household word among the Jr High Orchestra crowd.

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