Friday, December 26, 2008


The day after Christmas Uncle Mark called to see if we wanted to take the boys sledding with him. I, of course, didn't go. I am a three season mom. I don't do winter. Joe took them and they had a blast.
It is probably better that I didn't go. When Joe told me that he went down the hill on his stomach with my baby clinging to my back, I almost had a heart attack. Matthew loved it.

The boys got sleds from Grandma and Grandpa Metzger and were very excited to try them out.

Peter brought his son Anders. He's such a cutie.

Just look at that face.

Holden isn't a real big fan of the cold. He was ready to go before anyone else.

Thanks for the invite Uncle Mark!

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Santa Came

Believe it or not, the Metzger boys were good enough to merit a visit from Santa. Shocking, I know. Nicholas got a Bakugan set.

Holden got a big transformer, that really transforms.
Matthew got a Little People ride along toy.
The boys got a Playstation from mom and dad. Nicholas and Holden opened it and the reaction wasn't what we had imagined. Nicholas just stared at the box and then asked, "Is it really a playstation?" When I confirmed that it was in deed a playstation, he got so excited. He stood up and proclaimed that this was the best day of his whole life. Joe said something very fatherly about how it was just a thing and it wasn't that great. Nicholas then responded, "Then it's the best day of my life, SO FAR." Needless to say they spent a whole lot of Christmas playing the games they got. Even Matthew wanted in on the fun. Dolores made an amazing Christmas dinner. Of course. Before we ate, Matthew and Sarah had to inspect the turkey. Aren't they cute?

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve is so full of magical moments. It's as if there are only endless possibilities and happy dreams in the world. Here are some of the Christmas Eve traditions of the Metzger family.
The kids writing their letters to Santa. They leave their letters next to Santa's cookies.

Mom reads the Night Before Christmas and Daddy reads Luke 2

The first present of Christmas is opened. It is always pajamas and the kids are always a little disappointed. (You'd think they'd catch on.)

And then it's off to Ronnie and Lisa's for a traditional seafood dinner. Joe waits all year for this meal. Some of the dishes are an anchovies with a white sauce and macaroni, squid with a red sauce and macaroni, and salmon. They also served prime rib.

Of course there were some amazing desserts. Nicholas was in heaven because Grandma made cream puffs.

And finally with full bellies and wide eyes it's off to bed.

Sunday, December 7, 2008


The first Christmas we were married Joe had a wonderful idea. And this ideas has spawned a uniquely Metzger Christmas tradition. Every year we go to the fabric store and pick out material to make new stockings. Then the next year we fill them and give them away. It's been so fun to see what the kids have picked out as their interests change. Here are this years stockings. (Obviously, we didn't make the Rudolph stocking. That one belongs to Grandma and Grandpa.) Mine is next to Rudolph. I always choose such a nice Christmas print. Very traditional. Matthew's is the ball stocking. Holden has Transformers. Joe's is the butterflies and the non matching stripped top. Joe's stockings are always unique. Nicholas chose Teenage Mutant Turtles with a camouflage top.
So if you ever receive a Star Wars stocking with a Superman top, know that you have been a part of our family tradition.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

O Christmas Tree

Every year we get a real tree. I'm not sure anything means Christmas more than the smell of pine. I know that they make a mess, but it is totally worth it. This year we went to Home Depot. I walked in to the Garden Center, the air was heavy with pine and instantly I was in a holiday mood. Joe and the boys picked out a very big tree. It was so big that it touched our ceiling and took up a big chunk of our living room. It took us a couple of weeks to get it completely decorated, but it was so nice. I love to spend time with our tree.

Matthew was a big help setting up the tree.

And a big help decorating it.

Nicholas and Holden helped too.

And here are some shots Joe took of the decorated tree.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Janine's Shower

My friend Janine is going to have another baby. This makes 5, for all of you who are counting. She is pretty impressive. I had a shower for her at my house and crammed a bunch of people in.

She got a lot of really neat things. Everyone loves to shop for a baby.
Her kids came with her and stayed upstairs with Joe and my boys. (That made my boys very happy!) Poor little Justus is about to loose his baby status. He's not quite sure what he thinks of this yet.