Thursday, October 21, 2010

New Calling

Five weeks ago, President Forsberg asked me to stop by his office. It was then that he released me from my calling in Young Womens and asked me to teach institute. I was only in Young Womens for a year. I'm starting to get the feeling that no one wants to work with me and so they shuffle me around a lot.

I am excited about institute, but mostly just overwhelmed. There is some serious prep to teach this lesson every week. I teach on Tuesday nights in Amherst at 7:30 and you are all invited to attend. I would love to see happy smiling faces in the crowd.

Every week I write a quote on the board. It doesn't always have anything to do with the lesson. It is just something that I found that I like. So in my efforts to no longer neglect this blog (and to keep my favorite quotes in a safe place) I have decided to post them here as well. I will call them, Thoughtful Thursdays. Aren't I clever?

Here are the one's I have used so far. The italics parts following each quote are just my little comments.

Let questions arise, but never doubts. - F. Enzio Busche
This one is one of my favorites, and if you've had any conversations with me lately, you've probably already heard it.

"Mormonism" includes all truth. There is no truth but what belongs to the Gospel. If you can find a truth in heaven, earth, or hell, it belongs to our doctrine. We believe it; it is ours; we claim it.- Brigham Young

When I asked the class what they thought about this one, Samuel said, "It sounds like something you would like. " What do you suppose he meant by that?

No message appears in the scriptures more times, in more ways than, Ask and ye shall receive. -Boyd K Packer

There is more to life than increasing its speed. -Mohatma Gandhi
Since beginning to teach, my Tuesdays are insane. I'm pretty sure that's the reason this one appeals to me.

Both read the Bible day and night
But thou read'st black, where I read white- William Blake
Blake was a English poet and printmaker who was died 3 years before the church was reorganized. I am teaching Doctrine and Covenants and Church History. I love how this speaks of the confusion that can arise and the need for additional revelation.

Don't let the workings of adversity totally abosorb your life.- Richard G Scott

What are your favorite quotes? Send them to me and maybe I can use them.

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