Saturday, October 23, 2010

Memories of Auntie May

My great Aunt Alice May passed away this week. It wasn't a surprise. When I was visiting in August, I saw her and knew it would be the last time I saw her on earth. I am grateful that I had the opportunity to kiss her one last time. "Auntie May," as we all called her, was the last one remaining from her generation. Her death marks the end of a generation. A generation devoted to the Lord and to their family. Our lives are better because they came before us.

While my feelings are poignant and tears are close, I feel the need to look back at what I remember of Auntie May.

Remember that old green bicycle with the funny seat that she rode around everywhere? She probably outlived everyone because she rode that thing for years. It had that wicker basket in the front that was always full of things to share. Usually things that kids didn't really love like vegetables and green drink.

I still do someone of the exercises Alice May taught me while giving me singing lessons. I stick my finger down my throat and stick my tongue way out. I'm not sure they work, but I still do them.

Grandma Watkins was so proud of Auntie May and all of her accomplishments. Those two funny ladies with their wigs and hats. I love that Harriet, Alice May, and Grandma were such good friends. I love that those sisters grew old together and loved each other always. I want that with my sisters.

There is so much more, but I am at the point where I can't see the screen through my tears.

I love you Auntie May. Give Grandma a hug for me.

1 comment:

Jen said...

well said. Thanks for the memory recall.