Today you are turning 11. How did the time go so fast? I feel like I blinked and your childhood vanished. And I worry that with my next blink you will be grown and gone. Your dad and I are so proud of you. I wish you could see all the potential that we see in you. Our Heavenly Father has blessed you with an amazing mind. Since you were born you have thirsted for knowledge. You love to learn. Reading has become one of your major interest. (Of course it doesn't compare to video games, but it is up there.)
You are kind. I have seen you reach out to others and you are always willing to help. This year you have gone to service projects with your dad to help with storm clean up. He always reports back on how hard you work. Even when it is hard for you, you reach out to those who don't fit in as well and try to make them feel included. This is what Heavenly Father wants you to do and it is the example that our Savior set for you.
Nicholas, you are such an important part of our family. You often set the mood for the whole house. (This can be both good and bad.) I know sometimes you feel that your parents push you too hard. Remember it is because we love you and we know all that you are capable of.
This year, I hope you remember how much you can achieve if you decide to. It is up to you, my son.
I love you more than I could ever express in words.