Monday, January 31, 2011


I have a tendency to worry that my children's current behavior is a foreshadowing of things to come.
For example, Matthew has become obsessed with being cool. He informed me that he is not cute but cool. My four year old also informed me that his super power is that you can not wipe his cool off. I know this is adorable, but instead of just enjoying the moment I become stressed of how this will play out when he is in middle school.
Hence, the following conversation which occurred after he asked me again if he was cool.

Me: Matthew, it is more important to do the right thing and follow Jesus than it is to be cool.
Matthew: Why?
Me: Because we love Jesus and want to be like him.
Matthew: Well, I think Jesus is cool.

Maybe I worry too much.


Unknown said...

Hahah how cute!!

Pack N Pounce said...

I love it! Matthew is so cool! And it's cool that he already knows that Jesus is cool.