Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy Birthday Anders!

While we were in Schenectady, Anders had his first birthday. For those of you who didn't know, I am a Great Aunt. At least to one little son of my nephew I am.

Peter invited us over for a little birthday party for Anders. Here are Grandpa Mark, Aunt Alicia, Great Aunt Noel, and Matthew all watching how cute Anders is while eating pizza.

Here is the birthday boy with his cake.

He wasn't a big fan of the ice cream. It was just too cold!

Karen is not grandma. It is Mimi.

Ron and Dolores are Great Grandparents now. Isn't that unbelievable? They have always been great to our boys. I love this picture of Ron helping Matthew eat his cake. So cute.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


I love that we have a national holiday set aside to remember how blessed we all are. Our family has been blessed in so many ways this year. Here is a few of our favorites. Matthew is thankful for Elmo. Holden is thankful for Jesus. Nicholas is thankful for the house and computer. I am thankful for my four wonderful boys. (I counted Joe of course.) And Joe is thankful for sandals.

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We always do. It was smaller than usual because the Scotts weren't there. But the food was amazing and the company even better. Aren't David and Leah cute?

Grandma made a special birthday cake for Matthew and we all sang Happy Birthday to him again.

He got a new Elmo. Look how excited he was.

Here is the evidence that it was a great Thanksgiving, Holden's very dirty face.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Ice Skating

Nicholas and Holden are taking ice skating lessons.
They are both doing very well.

Holden has passed off Tot 1 & 2 levels. Nicholas passed off alpha.
(Those levels don't mean anything to me either, but the boys were excited to get their certificates.)
They only have a few more skills to master before they can start to play hockey and they are very excited about that.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Matthew is 2!

How is it possible that my baby turned 2 on November 14th? When did this happen?We celebrated with just our family and it was very nice.
Earlier, Melisa had brought over an Elmo balloon which he loved. The Butters kids and the Ackermans also gave him presents. They are so thoughtful.
See that lopsided cake in front of him? I spent HOURS making that stupid thing. I picked out this really fancy recipe and it did not turn out. What a waste of time. Matthew would have been happy with a cupcake and a candle. Someday, I will be wise with my time.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Matthew's Two Year Old Pictures

Since Joe has expanded to doing a lot of portrait work, I decided I would let him take Matthew's yearly picture.

Thursday, November 6, 2008


We love the Springfield library system. They always have such wonderful programs going on FOR FREE! We've been going to storytime for many years now. First with Nicholas and then with Holden. Now it is Matthew's turn. He did pretty well, considering he is one. The librarian, Miss Sharon, was really good with all the little ones.
They started off by rolling the ball back and forth. Of course this was Matthew's favorite part. (The boy loves any and all balls.)
Then they passed out cheese crackers to keep the kids quiet while she read a few books.
And finally they all did a craft. Matthew made a cute little bear that he was very proud of. He carried it around and when Joe got home ran up to show it to him. My baby is so cute!
Nicholas and Holden waited very patiently playing on the computers and looking at books until Matthew was done. What good supportive big brothers they are.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Joe Is Getting Old!

Joe's birthday was on November 2nd. He loves his birthday and we love to celebrate it with him. Joe's parents, Linda, Dave, and Olivia all spent the night in Springfield after the art show so they could spend Joe's birthday with him. Linda even made Joe's cake while I was still at church.

Joe is an amazing husband and father. Nicholas says his dad is the world's best story teller. Holden likes that his dad lets him sleep in. Matthew always walks around the house asking, "Where's Daddy?" We are very lucky to have him in our lives. WE LOVE YOU!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

The Art Show

We have been in our place for 2 1/2 years. In that time we haven't hung anything on the walls. One day Joe and I are sitting at the table discussing this. He tells me he wants to turn our house into a gallery and hang a lot of his pieces on the walls. And from there the idea of the art show was born. On November 1st we had the first Josepeh Metzger art show at our house. We moved all the furniture out of the downstairs. He showed paintings and photographs.
A lot of our friends and families came and Joe got the audience he craved. Thanks for being so supportive of him. We really appreciate it.

This is a picture of all Joe's stuff lying on the floor before he hung it on the wall.

Olivia and Ron looking at one of Joe's paintings.

One of Joe's photographs that he displayed.

This painting is called Woman Bathed In Light. The idea came to him while he was drawing on some post it notes at work.